by admin | Oct 17, 2019 | Conference Centre, EU-Students Empowering NG-Students, Local Network
The Niger Delta Knowledge Centre is not just an international community of education experts busy building knowledge places within the Niger Delta region. We also fulfil a privileged role in helping local communities to deal with real-life issues; by approaching their...
by admin | Oct 17, 2019 | EU-Students Empowering NG-Students, Human Rights Policies and Programmes, Project Supporters
International College of Commerce (Amsterdam) requested Wageningen Scientist – ACT to implement an awareness program in collaboration with the Niger Delta student network for the recognition and prevention of these waterborne diseases. However, ICC needs...
by admin | Oct 17, 2019 | EU-Students Empowering NG-Students, Local Network
Our course is to work hard to contribute towards grass root scholarly solutions in students and youth developments. To do this we are constantly looking for collaborations and partnerships with local and international universities and student unions to strengthen our...
by admin | Oct 17, 2019 | EU-Students Empowering NG-Students
“Wyobraź sobie ..jesteś studentem mieszkającym w regionie z pustymi bibliotekami i uszkodzonymi obiektami edukacyjnymi, gdzie miasteczka uniwersyteckie są zdominowane przez działania związane z wierceniem ropy i paleniem gazu. Ale ty nadal chcesz zwiększyć swoje...
by admin | Oct 16, 2019 | EU-Students Empowering NG-Students
„Представете си: ..вие сте студент, живеещ в регион с разбита образователна инфраструктура и празни библиотеки. Нещо повече, кампусите са заразени от нефтено сондиране и изгаряне на газ, въпреки това вие все още имате желание да подобрите шансовете си за живот и...
by admin | Oct 16, 2019 | EU-Students Empowering NG-Students
“Immagina: ..sei uno studente universitario che vive in una regione con infrastrutture scolastiche precarie e biblioteche vuote. Ma non solo, i campus sono invasi da attività di estrazione del petrolio e di gas flaring, ma tu sei ancora determinato a migliorare le tue...